No FPS Limit! Weather Resistant E-Z Tote Carrying Handle Toughest Bag Ever Built! Polypropylene Bag Cover 21″ x 15″ x 20″ 65 lbs. Field Point Only Crossbow/Compound Bow Approved
You receive these Brand New targets at a nice discount because these targets are factory blemish models, and may contain paint mistakes, hotspots, and other defects. In no way will this effect how this target performs!
Stops 500 FPS Excellent for all bow types High Roller Foam Built for any and all arrow tips including field points and broadheads Weather-resistant Fade-resistant paint E-Z tote carrying handle 6 sides & 21 bullseyes 16x16x16
The Jimmy Big Tine Woodland Series target is crafted with lifelike features. The target measures 50-inches tall and 39-inches long. It incorporates Rinehart’s locking antler feature, with the option to easily swap out and use your own. Jimmy Big Tine … Read More
This Standing Dall Sheep target is a great practice tool for a dream hunting trip. Made with both UV/Weather protection and self-healing foam this target is sure to last season after season.
You receive these BRAND NEW targets at a nice discount because these targets are FACTORY BLEMISHED MODELS, and may contain paint mistakes, hotspots, and other defects. In no way will this effect how this target performs!